Press Release: The Pro-Green Oath - an initiative of The Nature's Co./ Contest Alert :D

15th September, Pro-Green Day - an initiative by The Nature's Co.


Do your little bit of good where you are. It's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. - Desmond Tutu

15th of September every year is marked as the Pro-Green Day, The Nature's Co. overarching movement under which several Eco-friendly initiatives are executed. To start with, a recycling program called Eco barrel was instituted. This encouraged customers to return empty product containers in return for upto 10% discount on their next purchase minimizing The Nature’s Co.'s waste production. We also encourage customers to choose e-billing as a replacement for paper invoices in an effort to save paper. Distributing sapling and seeds and many more initiatives have been our small ways to create a bigger change. We have also tied up with several NGO's like Akanksha NGO, OASIS, Valaya Magic Foundation, Greenpeace, and many more.
Keeping the good spirit going, this year TNC does their bit by initiating the Pro Green Oath. These oaths are going to be distributed at all The Nature's Co. stores on the 15th of September . Each oath mentions a simple task as a way for the doer to do their bit for Mother Nature and humanity. These tasks will be very doable & simple things like watering a plant / tree in your vicinity or switching off all the lights and fans before you leave your room, which can be practiced in one's day to day routine. By the acceptance of this oath one will be vowing by the completion of the deed in full spirit. Once the good deed is done, the oath can be passed on to spread the cycle of good deeds and gives everyone a chance to participate.

To further boost the zeal, The Nature's Co. has arranged for hampers and gifts for the participants who create the longest Pro-Green Oath chain. Also, to create a stronger ripple effect for this social initiative, The Nature's Co. is also organising The Pro-Green Oath Contest among bloggers and the media. Customers can also avail a 15% discount on Pro-Green Merchandise which is a special range launched by The Nature's Co. consisting of the very-cute Mini Garden, Neem Pencil and the Pro-Green Band.
So let’s join hands and create a network of good deeds to help create social awareness and self awareness with a hope that it would be a permanent change in everyone's way of living.

P.S. An exciting and fun contest is coming up soon for spreading the Pro-Green Oath. Looking forward to an active participation from all my lovely readers :)

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